Help with Legal Situations

The whole notion of your student in jail or having the prospect of spending some time in prison can raise your anxiety level through the roof and compromise your decision making ability. Being incarcerated with serious criminals might teach the student a valuable lesson.

Then again it could not only be a permanent stain on their resume, but also distort the child’s view of their world until they have become something you don’t recognize. We have had extensive experience dealing with Judges, probation officers, attorneys and the like. Alternatives to incarceration will often be accepted by the parties to avoid exactly the negative potential outcomes of a jail sentence.

Alternative Sentencing

Adolescents convicted of a crime are generally sent to a state Youth Authority (YA). In California alone there are almost 6,000 offenders within the confines of the YA. Over 60% of committed youth offenders in these institutions are over the age of 18. If your youth is at risk of being sentenced to be included with this potentially dangerous population, we can help.

The Courts handling these cases are generally very receptive to our recommendations of alternative sentencing programs that will allow your adolescent child the opportunity to address his/her issues in a safe and stable environment. Our consultants will work with you and your attorney to create a plan that will be presented to the court.

Divorce Disputes Regarding Education Plans

The pain and suffering a family experiences with divorce affects everyone. So many losses all at once.  A mom losing her partner, loss of a social circle, loss of a the family unit, loss of the fond memories of the marriage and the family’s shared experiences, financial loss.  Try as they might, the student’s emotional and educational needs often get lost as well. Acrimony between the two parties can turn the needs of the child into a victory for one side rather than a win-win. Our inclusion into the process can mediate the disagreements, reduce or eliminate the rancor and focus the attention on the best interests of the child(ren).